ニュージーランドで英語教育 ほうかごブログ

ORTのお試しに最適! オーディオ付き無料の英語絵本サイトOxford Owl

ORT(Oxford Reading Tree)を始めてみたいけど、手元には本がなくてどうしたらいいの?という方にお知らせです。

オーディオ付きで無料の英語の絵本サイトOxford Owlでは、無料会員になると250の英語の絵本を読んで聞くことができるのですが、その中にORTも含まれています。
ORTリーディングコースを始めたいけど、まずはどんなものか体験してから、という方は、このOxford Owlの無料教材を使って、体験レッスンを受けてみませんか。


Well done Kosuke! You are now able to answer so many more questions than you were when we last met (last year). You reread Stage 5 Castle Adventure today then you read me your summary of this book. You did a really good job of that summary too!! Your comprehension answers were accurate and your sentence structures have progressed well. We will do steady work on those sentence structures from now on. It was interesting (for me) to see how much easier you find it to read accurately when you hold your finger under each word as you go – please continue to do this for every book until we can both see that it is no longer necessary. By the way, you have the clearest, cleanest ‘th’ sound I have heard for a while. Excellent pronunciation of that letter combination today. Next week I will take you back through Castle Adventure checking the words you had trouble with today then you will read Village in the Snow.
I hope it soon stops raining and warms up so that you can get outside to play with your friends. have a nice week.



にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 親子英語へ

Posted on: May 17th, 2016 by Yuko Okumura コメントはありません

