

Unique New Zealand / 親子留学・語学留学

Browns Bay aerial view  Graduation 2

My name is Drew Anderson. I’ve been a teacher at Unique New Zealand for around six years. During my time at Unique I have taught a lot of Japanese adults and teenagers, all of whom have enjoyed their experience in New Zealand.

I believe that Unique New Zealand not only provides excellent classes, but also makes it easy for students to immerse themselves in New Zealand culture and have a great time doing so.

I have also found that children who travel with parents have the best experience, as their parents help them overcome early nerves and ease their transition into a new learning environment. Not only this, but parents who study alongside their child and take an active interest in their child’s learning can encourage their child to achieve better results.
The main reason I would recommend that parents visit New Zealand with their child, however, is simply that it is a wonderful experience that will last a lifetime in both your and your child’s memory.

僕はUnique New Zealandで6年間英語を教えています。その間、たくさんの日本人の大人や若者を教えてきました。皆さんニュージーランドでの経験を楽しまれています。

Unique New Zealandは質のよい授業を提供するだけでなく、ニュージーランドの文化に浸ったり、素晴らしい体験ができるような環境を提供しています。



Drew Anderson|English teacher

Northcross Intermediate / 中学校留学


Konichiwa and Kia Ora;
We look forward to welcoming you to our school and hope that you enjoy your Kiwi Experience.

こんにちは Kia Ora。

Sharon Hines|Director of International Students